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Murder Mystery Dinner - Englisches Krimidinner (ab Niveau B1)

Tauche Sie in ein interaktives englisches Rollenspiel ein, bei dem Sie in eine neue Rolle schlüpfst und gemeinsam mit anderen den Mörder entlarven! In gemütlicher Atmosphäre erwarten Sie rätselhafte Hinweise, spannende Ermittlungen und überraschende Wendungen.


What about an evening of a different kind? Do you enjoy dressing up, pretending to be another person and solving a murder mystery? Then come to our ”WHODUNNIT ” - our English role play evening! We want to have an interesting evening full of questioning, guessing and accusing - and to find the murderer!

What is necessary? A bit of time 2 weeks before for reading your role description and organizing things to masquerade yourself properly. This evening is suitable from B1 Level. Join!

There will be food provided by the teacher. Please contact us if you have allergies or if you follow a specific diet (vegetarian, vegan, lactose-free etc.)
There will be additional costs for the food (approx. 5 €) which should be payed directly to the teacher during the event.


We ask you to register until 23rd of February, so we can send you the description of your role in advance. Registration after this date will also be possible, but we will decide on this date if enough participants have registered for this event.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us.

Datum und Uhrzeit:
Samstag, 08. März 2025, 17.00 - 21.00 Uhr
Am Bahnhof6Volkshochschule Arnstadt-Ilmenau99310Arnstadt
Volkshochschule Arnstadt-Ilmenau
Erwachsener: 18,00 €

Veröffentlicht in den Kategorien:   Bildung | Essen & Trinken | Highlights | Musical/Oper/Theater

Stadt Arnstadt 2025